Preliminary Programme Overview

THURSDAY | October 24th, 2024

13.00 – 17.00 Courses

17.30  Beirats- and board meetings

19.00 – 20.30 Get together / Welcome Reception

FRIDAY | October 25th, 2024

9.00 – 18.30 Plenary Sessions

20.00 – 22.00 Gala Dinner

SATURDAY | October 26th, 2024

9.00 – 15.30 Plenary Sessions


    THURSDAY | October 24th, 2024

    13.00 – 17.00 Courses

    Course 1: Orthoptic examination in (near-) physiological viewing conditions
    Course 2: Amblyopia screening
    Course 3: Surgery in concomitant strabismus
    Course 4: Post-surgical treatment of paediatric cataract and glaucoma


    FRIDAY & SATURDAY | October 25th – 26th, 2024

    Session 1:  Bielschowsky’s life and contributions
    – Bielschowsky’s life in Wroclaw
    – Bielschowsky’s life in Germany and USA
    – Bielschowsky’s contributions to strabismology: still relevant today

    Session 2: Orthoptics
    – Orthoptic examination of children with  neurodevelopmental disorders
    – Assessment of restrictive strabismus

    Session 3:  Amblyopia
    – Non responders to amblyopia treatment:  hidden organic cause, compliance or too late?
    – Training programs for amblyopia: usefull or waste of time and money?

    Session 4: Paediatric ophthalmology
    – Vascular retinal problems (non ROP)
    – Acommodation disorders in children

    Session 5: Neuroophthalmology
    – Optic neuritis vs. LHON: How can we tell the difference?
    – Ocular myasthenia

    Session 6:  Strabismus
    – Cyclodeviations: diagnostics and treatment options
    – Treatment of restrictive strabismus

    Session 7:  Case presentations with online voting


    Logistic Organizer:

    Alfa event sp. z o.o.
    Stefana Żeromskiego 62/2
    50-312 Wrocław, Poland
    TIP (NIP): 8982274966
    KRS: 0000959611